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Made in Scotland Trademark

We are so happy to announce that as of March 2020, we have been awarded the rights to use the “Made in Scotland” trademark on our products, labeling and social media. This is such a great honour us to be given this recognition
In 2019, the University of the Highlands and Islands was donated the company Made in Scotland Limited which owns the Made In Scotland Trademark. The trademark has been registered for many years and was in the past used to promote quality products that were made in Scotland to a wider global audience.

It was donated to the university by the owners Kathleen Hardie and Derek Reid for the future benefit of the university, its students and the wider region.

With Derek and Kathleen’s blessing, the university will make the mark available to the alumni of the university as a mark to endorse their products. The use of the mark will be free of charge to this group providing they meet the criteria associated with awarding the mark for use.

For more information on the “Made in Scotland” trademark, please visit the link below: